Monday, June 26, 2006

Look at this sweet picture of our living room ceiling fan! She was looking through the viewfinder raising it higher and higher. Eventually, she just about toppled over. She looked at me and said, "Take pictuh fan". So, she layed down in my lap and snapped a good one! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Another Mommy portrait.  Posted by Picasa

Izza got a good picture of my belly. I'm not sure you can see this very well so I'll try to fiddle with the light and repost on her other blog. Posted by Picasa

While Laurie took the wide angle pictures of Isadora, Izza decided to take some pictures of Laurie. Here's how a table looks when you are tiny. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Isadora took some pictures in the hammock the other day. The photo shoot ended with her asking her assistant to take a portrait of the artist as a young woman. Posted by Picasa

I really like how this looks with the hammock, trees, duck and Mommy. Posted by Picasa

Portrait of Duck with Mommy Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Welcome to Izza's Gallery!

Izza just got a camera from her Nana and Papa. She loves taking pictures with it. She pulled it out of the box and knew exactly what it was and what to do with it. She kept saying, "Picture Marlin. Picture Marlin." Then she insisted that I be the one to take the picture of Marlin. She wanted a picture of herself, too.

I've decided to start a blog of her own for showcasing her art. Stop back to see more pictures!

Izza takes after her great grandma Phyllis Isadora. Grandma used to always have her finger in the frame, too. Posted by Picasa

She snapped a couple pictures of me sitting in the chair.  Posted by Picasa

Picture Daddy! Posted by Picasa

Rob and Izza spent a bunch of time in the backyard today. Outside pictures! Posted by Picasa

She kept wanting a picture of herself. I love this pose! Posted by Picasa

Izza got a picture of her own shoulder. Posted by Picasa

Picture Mommy Posted by Picasa

Izza wanted a picture of Rob. She kept saying, "Picture Daddy". I held the camera for her and she snapped this one. Posted by Picasa

Izza and Mommy's feet Posted by Picasa

This is Izza's first picture with her new camera. It's the floor. Posted by Picasa