Friday, March 07, 2008

More Izza Pix

An action (and crying) shot
I just like this picture.
Izza wanted to document a book she made this morning. She found pictures I'd drawn in one of her notebooks, carefull cut them out, and taped them to a folded piece of notebook paper. She made two books.
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Photos March 7 2008

One of Arlo's masterpieces
Nothing like a child's eye view of the world to see how filthy all those forgotten spots are.
Izza captured Arlo's successful attempt to climb a dining room chair. When I told Rob about it he said, "oh shit!"

Arlo loves Murphy! Look at this picture - can you see that Izza actually points it at something she wants to take a picture of and actually takes a picture of that thing? This is amazing. I would also like you to notice that her finger is in the picture. She takes after her Great Grandma P (one of the grandmas we named her after).
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Izza likes to decorate her room

Izza traced these stars and cut them out herself. She even drew a shooting star. These photos are part of her "Favorite Things" series. I love how she tapes her favorite art to the wall by her bed.
She cut this out all by herself. Cutting closely around things is one of her new interests (and talents).
A bird I drew and she colored.
Her Rainbow Penguin. You can also see a bowl she painted in the upper right hand corner. We painted bowls and then made a mobile with them. They look pretty cool
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Photos from March 5th

One of Arlo's first photos. He loves doing tea party and he has adorable shoes. I think it's a great picture that really captures his life.
This is what Arlo sees. There's nothing like getting down on the floor to notice how much trash is under your couch.
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These pictures were still on the camera

These pictures were on the camera from the last time she liked taking pictures. This had to be at least 6 months ago! Look at how young she looks! She's such a kid now. And Arlo was so little that he couldn't even crawl.
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She's back and better than ever!

It's been over a year but Isadora is interested in taking pictures again. Her subject matter is her "favorite things" so you'll see lots of pictures of toys and the TV. Sweetly, Arlo and Mommy are also some of her favorite things.

Speaking of Arlo, he really likes taking pictures, too! Izza can actually point the camera and frame up a picture. Arlo just shoots whatever.